My Accent, Part Dos

Five and half years ago I posted about my accent, revealing that I no longer had one.  From PHILly, but lived in MinneSOHta and MichigAN for 12 years wrecked my accent quite a bit.  Nonetheless, I was still holding it down with the Philadelphian in me a little bit according to that test.

Just did the same exact test this afternoon to find that I still don't have much of a distinct accent, but…

Accent shot

…THE SOUTH HAS OVERTAKEN ME!  And all my Lousiana, Jacksonville, Georgia, Tennesee, Texas friends said…Amen.  This is what moving to Virginia has done to, for, to me.  I just go around picking up little pieces of other people's accents all the time…Hot mess.

Not Just About Pig Puppets

"Ha!  I remember when you used to r100_0618ead to us from The Azusa Street Papers in LifeCore!"-Amber

"I did that?"-Me

"Yea.  You loved the stories!"-Amber

This past Friday I got to spend some time with a really good friend of mine from college, Amber.  She came into DC for some work and contacted me.  We hadn't seen each other in almost seven years, since her graduation from North Central.

Amber and I met in the fall of 1999, when she moved onto my floor as a college freshman.  I was a leader on my floor and she was one of the girls in my LifeCore group.  We hung out on Tuesday nights from 9-10pm (or if you know me…some stayed until about 12:)  She's from Pennsylvania, so we'd bonded over that immediately, and she just became one of my girls very quickly. The next year I had the opportunity to be Amber's RA (Resident Advisor) for the second half of the year and she was a leader on my floor.  

We were reminiscing with several stories from college the other night, including that one Saturday morning, the second week of school when I physically threatened a guy from our Brother Floor (Yea 4 East-Carlson!) for making her uncomfortable.  As a 20-year-old girl, much shorter than 18-year-old him, I looked up with fire in my eyes and firmly said, "You need help, dude.  And I will hurt you if youWil the pig ever do anything like that to her ever again!"  He didn't.  Amber confirmed it the other night.  He never made her uncomfortable again.  Ha!  I guess having two older brothers to practice fighting with helped, huh?

Amber and I also remembered awesome floor gatherings-like the floor meetings that I'd have where my  leaders and I would wear certain articles of clothing over other articles of clothing, and I'd break out my microphone and we'd do karoake…along with choreographed dances.  And some of you thought that you knew me.  Ha!  If you've never seen me in pig pajamas, wearing pig slippers, pigtails in my hair with pig scrunchies, dancing around with a pig puppet, well…you don't really know me all that well, do you?  I have no desire to go back in time and be in college again, but I will always remember those dance parties my college days fondly.

The thinking pig Don't get me wrong though.  Bible college isn't just all about dancing around with your underwear on your head, rewriting popular songs to sing to your brother floor (like going from "I Wanna Grow Old with You" to "I Wanna be a Sister to You"), dedicating songs to your brother floor on Delilah, playing with pig puppets, playing Four on a Couch and singing your heart out with your curling iron.  (Boy, this list could GO ON!  And wouldn't you love some pictures to go with it?  Dang film cameras!  Will have to scan some pictures in someday.)

**Meet my pig puppet, Wil.  This is him as "The Thinking Pig".  I bought him on my first trip out to NCU, my senior year of high school.  Yes, I still have him.  My grandchildren will giggle at that face someday.  Before you lose all respect for me, know that this little piggie has gone to town and brought many smiles to many faces…including anyone that realized that it made it into our Neshaminy High School's, Year of '97 Senior Class picture.  (Thank you, John Terrence!)

A thoughtful moment from my evening with Amber has been stuck on my opening conversation.  The Azusa Street Papers is an odd-sized book that we had to get for a class at North Central.  It's a collection of 13 issues of a paper that documented testimonies of what God was doing in a revival that happened in the early 1900's.  This paper was printed and passed all around the country to spread the word that God, indeed, did still move in miraculous ways!  People 0032_azusa_street-paperswould flock to be a part of this revival that was happening in this small part of Los Angeles (yes, LA!), and then go home with joy and hope that God can do the same things through their lives!  The stories that some think are so crazy and unbelievable about the Bible….many of the same things were happening among the people in this move of God!  I was so captivated by reading testimony after testimony of healings that took place, and my heart was so moved by the stories of what God had done in the lives of thousands of people.  I loved that odd-sized book…and I guess I would just sit and read the stories to people, including my LifeCore girls.  Ha!  I don't remember it, but it makes sense.  I really  did love that book.

Here I am, about eleven years later, and I am still captivated by how God moves…except a lot more in "real time".  I can't even begin to describe what He is doing in my heart right now, simply on this blog.  Over New Years I got to join 5 of my good friends in going to Kansas City for I-HOP's OneThing conference.  (I-HOP the House of Prayer, not of Pancakes:)  I-HOP is leading one of many prayer movements throughout the world.  It's pretty awesome.  They have a 24/7 prayer room, that is currently streamed online for free through their site.  My life has been blessed and my heart has been stirred.  And guess what…people have been healed and filled with joy, and they're taking joy and hope back to their homes, and around the world!  Ironically, that same year that I became captivated by what had happened through the Azusa Street Revival…that's the same year that I-HOP was founded.

These are merely two moves of God…He moves in miraculous ways all the time, in big and small ways…but these are two that have impacted my life. 

I guess I just found it humorous that so much has been happening in my heart, to the overflow of joy and hope, and that it's been quite an awakening in my spirit…and then that Amber reminded me of this crazy obsession that I had with something similar back in college.  I don't think the obsession ever went away, but I do think it has been dormant for some time, peeking up but not truly coming to the surface until now.

One of my prayers for today…Acts 2.42-47

And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.43 And awe came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were being done through the apostles.44 And all who believed were together and had all things in common.45 And they were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need.46 And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they received their food with glad and generous hearts,47 praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved.

Stuff Christians Like

I have to give this guy, Jon, mad props (am I allowed to say, "mad props?") for his ultimately hilarious blog. (thanks for sharing, kt:)  For someone who has grown up with church culture, the site has caused my jaw to hurt more than twice this weekend, due to the uncontrollable laughter erupting from my belly, all the way up to the top of my head.  If you did not grow up in church culture, you might enjoy reading how christians actually can make fun of themselves.  If you did…set aside at least an hour sometime to peruse the site.


Here’s to my super cool friends, some of which are new friends of mine…who wore capes while waiting in line to get into The Dark Knight this afternoon at the Imax.  I do have very cool friends;)
In the front we have Batman Hannah, Leah Samantha, Emily, Sarah, Jen (back around) me, Phil, Jackson, Jonathan. 

I Heart Google

I often say that Google really should pay me for how much I love it.  Once I entered the land of Gmail, I was lost in techno love and have since tried to convince everyone to get their very own, free, way organized, stinkin' cool email account with it!  Successfully I've actually gotten people to convert.  I almost lose respect for people that still use hotmail (lol…just kidding, well, kinda:) 

Anyway, last night at my Lifegroup, I learned of yet another thing that makes Google cool in my eyes.  Well, perhaps it just makes me laugh, but it's kind of a cool thought.  Blackgle isn't an actual website (unbeknownst to the person who told me about it)…it's a blogspot blog that supposedly saves energy by having a black screen instead of a white screen.  It's got a Google search engine and…well…you can check it out here.  And you can read more about it on my friend Sarah's blog…cause she wrote about it first. 🙂

School’s Out. Summer. Dirt.

Do you know the tension between being "ready for summer" and "wishing it wasn't so dang hot outside"?  That's me right now.  I'm PUMPED that school has let out for a couple months…but this heat-whew!  I think I just heard that it was like 90 degrees outside…

My classroom is in the basement and, well, it's filthy down there.  Dirt just seems to seep up through the tiles and down through the ceiling tiles.  And the windows don't open.  Well, one does, but I can't reach it:)  I've got an air conditioner, but the power breaker connected to this room overheats pretty easily, so every 20 minutes that it's on, everything in my room goes out. LOL.  It can be frustrating, but it is actually humorous at times.  Plus, my keyboard buttons are all sticky:)  Oh dear…

My room looks like a pig sty (what's new?) and I thankfully just found out that I can leave some stuff here over the next month or so since I'll be doing the academic portion of our b-ball camp.  For this, I'm blessed on so many levels.

So I decided to just sit here…dirty, sweaty and listening to the radio…typing away…my laptop, after all, is officially in rebellion and is being whipped into submission by Geeksquad until Thursday. 🙂